Notes on buying a measuring rule

Experienced craftspeople will already have invested in the rule ~ rules ~ of their choice. I write this note to share some thoughts with those who are at the start-up stage.

The term 'rule' covers 'measure' and 'straight-edge'. If space and finance permits I would suggest having one, or more, of each. There are several ways of combining both measuring and straight-edging into one tool. I would suggest a good steel rule ~ or a good plastic rule.

A plastic rule must have a built-in steel edge to meet my use of the word 'good'. Otherwise there is a danger when using it as a straight-edge of cutting into the plastic. I speak from long experience. I have not, yet, cut into the edge of my plastic rule. Such tools have only come into popular availability this century. One edge of the rule is protected by a thin steel strip. As yet it has not yet come unstuck after a year or two of use....but I remain dubious as to its longevity. The plastic rule I use is transparent, and has parallel liness marked on it, in addition to the measuring scale.

Here is the code for a link to a local USP [116537]

A steel folder being used to prise open a can


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