What is a whimsy?

Some definitions that suit my purpose

I have been collecting definitions of whimsy that suit my needs ~ and share them here. With apologies that I have not kept a record of where they came from other than 'some dictionary or other on the WWW.' Further apology for choosing meanings that suit my personal needs ~ is that subjective ~ dishonest ~ unethical? Let's not go up that road, I fear it is not a cul-de-sac...

The following are chosen in the order that suits my use of the word. I often refer to some mathematical task or exercise as having a whimsical purpose ~ in other words ~

~ something that is intended to be strange and humorous but in fact has little real meaning or value

~ behaviour which is unusual, playful, and unpredictable, rather than having any serious reason or purpose behind it

~ a sudden wish or idea, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained

~ playfully quaint or fanciful behaviour or humour

Maybe one day I shall make a list of some of the mathematical whimsies in the Busy Busy archive...dreckly!

~ Cubes and multiplying [126846]

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