Wrong or different?

At various places in my scribblings I comment on the awful misunderstanding between these two words. I first heard of these verbal misunderstandings a while ago from a family who lived there for a time.Their children not only had to learn a new language, and a new way of writing their letters and words they had to learn the slightly different ways the Dutch children are meant to form their letters and numbers ~ and also the way in which the lessons were taught.

This page is concerned with our understandings of the differences between right ~ wrong ~ different ~ OK. Teachers are urged to read it ~ there is a danger of demoralizing the pupil unecessarily. Parents are urged to read it, lest they do the same, and also to re-encourage their children who maybe have felt wronged. Pupils ~ stick to your guns and try to find a way to rectify things ~ treat it as character building ~ try to sort it out if you can. All these suggestions are well nigh impossible ~ just hope that your tormentors will read and heed.

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