Leonhard Euler

Biographical notes

Best known for his outstanding mathematical genius Leonhard Euler was also accomplished in ~ geography ~ astronomy ~ physics ~ topology ~ and engineering. Born in Switzerland in 1707 he lived to be 76, and spent much of his life in Russia and Prussia. Near-blindness affected his later life, but did not seem to diminish his output.

He is known for numerous mathematical results. The earliest traditional story is related to his teacher who set the class the tedious problem of adding up every number from 1 to 100. Euler announced the answer almost immediately. The method he chose demonstrates that his mathematical thoughts were at a different level from everyone else. His talents were spotted and his career mapped out accordingly. Another popularized discovery relates to Sunday afternoon walks and the seven bridges across the river Pregel at Koenigsberg. The relationship between Vertices, Edges and Faces of any convex polyhedron ~ F+V=E+2 ~ was formuralized by him. For a cube this is 6+8=12+2.

There are dozens more important laws and discoveries and notable achievements ~ they are listed in Wikipedia and elsewhere. There is no point my repeating them here ~ I have whetted appetites sufficiently.

This biography has been included as an adjunct for the Bookcraft Kit I have named after Euler [112110]. The name has no relevance to the kit ~ it is used as a label with no additional relevance.

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Last updated 2021~0420
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