No fan binding ~ no fan padding ~ a bookbinding technique

This is a bookcraft technique in which glue is applied to the edge of every sheet of paper to make the hinge of a book. The area over which the glue can take hold is very small, and the binding is likely to separate under even light usage. It is not a satisfactory binding where permanence is important. It used frequently for making padded notebooks, and the name padding is often used to describe this quick and easy method.

Single fan binding
Line up the sheets

Single fan binding - tapping down
Tap the pile down to flatten the edge to be glued

Single fan binding - using a clamp
Clamp the sheets at the edge not being clamped

Single fan binding - apply some PVA glue
Apply some PVA glue

Single fan binding - apply some PVA glue
Smooth out the glue

Single fan binding - prepare to apply pressure
The pages may spring apart ~
arrange for them to be under light pressure

Single fan binding - under light pressure
The pages under light pressure ~
The lower brick is there to allow for the handle of the clamp

Single fan binding - under light pressure
Remove the clamp ~ increase the pressure ~
Mop up any residual glue

For more permanence the glue can be spread both over the edge of each sheet, and also a little way into the sheet. This is done by "Single Fan" binding [116119] ~ or (for an even more permanent bond) by spreading glue over a narrow strip of both sides of each sheet, by using a "Double Fan" binding [116087] ~ or by mechanically abrading the edges of the page to allow the glue to penetrate into the sheet (castellating) ~ or by making grooves into which thread or string is glued. (Using a mix of invented and traditional terminology this could be called 'glued-on-strings' rather than 'sewn-on-strings'.)

Further variants of this include hot-melt gluing in which the softness of heated glue enables it to penetrate the fibres of the sheets.

It is normal when making several such pads or books to glue them all at once. After drying the indivdual items are separated out using a long bladed knife. We have an illustrated version of this process [112990] .


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