Contact ~ Corrections ~ Suggestions

Please read these few notes before sending a message to me

I have been using the WWW since the year dot, and made a great many mistakes in those distant early years. One of these errors enabled lots of address-harvesters to grab my e-mail address, just as they do nowadays. It is slightly harmless, even if big business. I recall adverts for 'Two million email addresses for sale...' at very modest prices. Ever since then I have wished that sending e-mails was chargeable. Even at one tiny currency unit per message it would be expensive to pester two million folk with trash. All this chat is to tell you that I do receive, daily, a lot of rubbish, in spite of filters and checkers. Deleting chunks of rubbish does mean, occasionally, that a useful message gets missed. Please excuse me if it is yours. If I do not reply to your message then I have not got, and so not read it. If you are patient enough ~ please try again.

Below this should have been deleted before publication...they are just coding notes for me....

Here is the code for a link to a local USP [116537]

Description of picture


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