Delaminating examples ~

~ or coming unstuck

When thin layers of paper ~ or wood ~ or any substance ~ are glued together they are called laminates. The success of the lamination depends on the materials being glued and the adhesive used. When there is a failure the items come apart ~ or delaminate. Here I plan to illustrate some common delaminations ~ some are useful ~ some disastrous ~ some can be rectified.

If I am to re-use packaging I like to remove any labels. This practice goes back many years ago when I sent a package to someone and the post office delivered it to me next day ~ because my address was still visible, albeit on the other side from that of the stampe and correct address. The labels that Amazon use come away very easily ~ having done their job effectively. Very often the top layer of the board they are using also comes away.

The surface layer of cardboard is peeled away as labels are removed.

I have made quite a mess of this envelope. That is normal because I do always want the lamination to end gently. If it stops abruptly it leaves a weakness which may cause further delamination. If I recover the board then a sudden ending will show through as a small ridge. Most readers will probably think this is all nonsense ~ but one or two may understand ~ and even appreciate ~ my reasons. I jot down this note for their benefit.

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