Use and abuse for my steel folder

My favourite stainless tool

This rather chunky folder has been my favourite for a long time. At present it is mislaid. It may turn up in a pocket sometime. Usually it is found when the laundry is being checked ~ or taken out of the washing machine. Its strength means it is ideal for every rough use I throw at it ~ and it is great for the more normal ~ as intended ~ folder uses.

A stainless steel folder
Stainless steel folder with toggle

I made the folder shown above ~ and below ~ from one tine of a broken small garden fork ~ part of the shoulder is still visible. The rope and toggle helps to bulk out the tool when it is on the bench ~ easier to find ~ easier to pick up. (Actually it was made as an attempt to make the decorative Crown Knot from braided cordage. Readers will have to look that up ~ it is too difficult for me to explain.) (Yes - there were so many stones and rocks in our garden at that time that the tine began to break away from the others ~ which left scope for making two more folders.)

Some further uses ~ do not copy these with less strong folders!

Removing staples with a stainless steel folder
Removing staples ~
A hard steel staple would damage most other folders ~
I would not risk my agate folder with this task [125207]

It might just be possible ~ in the picture above ~ to see tiny scratches near the tip of the folder. The steel of the staple is harder than that of the folder, and so it will scratch it ~ did scratch it. Craftspeople have to decide how much fair wear and tear is permitted. There is a complex personal equation between many different factors and little point my discussing it for the benefit of others.

There are small nipping gadgets ~ sold in stationery shops ~ that are meant to make this task easy. I find my folder easier and quicker to use ~ and it is nearly always in my pocket.

Opening cans with a stainless steel folder
The opener on this can failed to work ~
steel folder to the rescue!

The ever-ready, come-in-handy, strong steel folder has often been useful for opening cans - once a corned beef tin needed some careful ~ screwdriver-type ~ digging to cope with a broken opener. (On that occasion I was too hungry to get the camera out...)

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Last updated 2022~1228~0935
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