Tidy loose sheets of paper by tapping down

Also called ~ jogging* ~ knocking-up *

Anyone handlng papers will frequently find the need to tidy-up a bundle of loose sheets. This is invariably done by picking up suitable handsful ~ two hands are needed. This bundle is then gently held edge-on to a resistant surface and gently tapped against it. The bundle has to be held loosely in order to jog each individual sheet ~ to make sure any that stick together are shaken free. Some fanning apart and blowing air into the pile may be necessary.

Clipping pages after tapping them down
After tapping down a clip will hold pages in place
This picture was taken during fan-binding of an A4 book [127551]

It is difficult to tap-down with thin and floppy papers.

* Jogging has reminders of exercise ~ jogging papers is unlikely to increase fitness levels.
* I have chosen the term 'tapping-down' to distance myself ~ as far as possible ~ from the phrase 'knocking-up'. After all ~ the process involves just that tapping down.

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